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Hot iftar meals in Mauritania or Pakistan

Hot iftar meals in Mauritania or Pakistan

Hot iftar meals in Mauritania or Pakistan

“Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all." (Source - Ibn Khuzaymah)

$7.20 – Provide a hot iftar meal to a person in Mauritania or Pakistan.

Spread mercy this Ramadan. When you donate $7.20, you’ll provide a nourishing iftar and reap the blessings of offering an iftar to a fasting person.

A mercy to those facing hunger this Ramadan

When you provide an iftar to a fasting person, you’re rewarded with the same blessings as the person fasting. Provide an iftar this Ramadan and receive multiplied rewards in this holy month.

Imagine living each day uncertain about where your next meal will come from. This is the reality for millions in impoverished communities worldwide, especially those suffering from the effects of conflict and natural disasters. Your Sadaqah could be the difference between life and death for an orphan in Palestine, a family in Lebanon, or a widow in Pakistan.

Help us provide hot meals this Ramadan

In Mauritania, nearly 365,000 people are vulnerable due to recurrent droughts, floods, and a challenging climate. Over 13% of the population suffered from acute malnutrition during the 2024 lean season. With only 0.4% of land suitable for agriculture and poor infrastructure, rural communities—home to 70% of the population—are bearing the brunt of poverty and unemployment.

For $7.20, you’ll provide meat and potatoes or chicken and rice, vegetables, dates, water, and a soft drink to a fasting person in Mauritania.

In Pakistan, record-high food and fuel prices, worsened by climate change, have pushed millions into hardship. Nearly half of a family’s monthly income is spent on food, and 82% of the population cannot afford a healthy diet.

Your donation will help provide a local dish such as chicken biryani or beef curry, along with roti, juice, water, and dates. You’ll support families in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Islamabad, and Mansehra to eat well this Ramadan.

What does my donation provide?

With so many families struggling this year, we’ll be distributing your hot iftar meals across seven countries, packing them with nutritious, locally tailored food items. Every meal will contain a staple food such as rice or bread, as well as meat or chicken.

This Ramadan, spread mercy and reap the multiplied blessings of this holy month. Your donation will provide hope and sustenance for those who have little or nothing to eat.

More than 828 million people will sleep hungry this Ramadan. You can help change that. Help us reach more now.

Why give with Human Appeal?

With over 33 years of experience sourcing and distributing iftars in local communities, we have developed streamlined programs that prioritize the needs of the communities we help. We maximize your donation by securing the best prices and quality of food, ensuring that more of your contribution goes directly to those in need.

In 2024, we helped over 978,345 people eat well through food parcels and nutrition projects.

If you want to feed fasting families and ensure your donation is in capable hands that know how to make your money go further, then entrust Human Appeal with your charity this Ramadan.

Donate and change Ramadan for a hungry family struggling to find food for iftar. Be a mercy in this month of mercy.

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or program of your choice. In the event we complete the program, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another program where it is needed most.



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